Saturday, October 10, 2015


The Next - Where I'm Expected

So, within a few short months I'll be moving to Guam.  I must say, it was a surprise when I learned that was our destination. It's not that I didn't expect to be going overseas, it was just the suddenness of the announcements, more than 6 months out from the expected arrival date, which caught me by surprise.  Hey man, I can't be upset with the news that I'll be moving to a tropical island for a few years.  I can, however, be surprised with the quickness.  My new life is moving quickly, and I'm never sure if that's a good or bad thing.  I suppose I should be thankful, and really I am; however, I'm sure I'll always be unsure.  Did I make the right choice?  Have I pushed all of my chips in too soon?  Does it really matter?

I think what really matters is not only my happiness, but whether or not I can make those who are most important to me happy as well.  I do love Farrah.  She's a wonderful person.  She knows the importance of family.  She understands that I require too much alone time. She is willing to deal with my strange behavior.  She loves me despite my shortcomings.  I can't say for sure everyone would be so forgiving.  I am genuinely excited to explore our new life in Guam together.

I feel terrible for Dusty and Fiona.  Two of the lights of my life, two canine companions.  I wish we could take them with us.  Perhaps we could.  Dusty would be miserable in the heat, Fiona would be at risk daily (the wildlife there would love a tiny Yorkie treat).  Batgirl could protect them, but I don't want to make her the constant shepherd.  She deserves to feel free, feel the comfort of being the only.  She is at her best when she is able focus solely on people.  I can't wait to see her blossom in Guam.

I'm thankful for our friends and family.  Jon, one of my true best friends, has offered to take care of Dusty during our tour in Guam.  I'm not sure he realizes just how much it means to me.  Dusty has been my best buddy the last two years.  It genuinely hurts me to be leaving him behind, but he deserves to be in a home with relaxation and attention.  Jon and Jeremy will give him both (and Bailey as well).  Fiona will probably end up with one of Farrah's relatives, which is fine, but I won't pretend it doesn't hurt.  That tiny girl is like a daughter.  She has blossomed into a wonderful little creature since I've known her.  Her love for people knows no bounds.  She's playful, smart, and intuitive to people's emotions.  She'll make whoever she is with happy, and I hope she'll feel happiness as well.

There is the potential of a job in Guam.  I'm still waiting to hear from the US Naval Hospital on the island.  I sent my resume in for the Public Affairs Officer position in the hospital. It would suit me well.  I know the job.  I need purpose.  It would be perfect, and it would allow me to spend three years expanding my resume even further.

It really blows me away to think where I am now.  I came from a small town in the middle of nowhere Indiana.  I take a look at most of my friends and classmates and see they are  still there, thriving in that small town.  I thought, for sure, I would be in the same place at this point in my life; yet here I am, dealing with temporary quarter in Maryland, preparing for island life in Guam with my beautiful wife.  I can't say I'm not scared, but I am excited.  Her and I will have so much to explore.  Not just of the island, but of each other.  I hope I can make her happy.  I know she makes me happy.

Cheers to anyone reading this.  I know the sudden ending is jarring, but just remember, that's just how it all goes most of the time.  We all live in periods, where one butts into the next without warning.  Just make due with what is dealt to you and never regret making a decision.