Thursday, October 20, 2011

Whoa, I Forgot I Had This Blog Thing!

I SINCERELY apologize for the prolonged absence.  I've been battling with what direction I want to take this whole blog thing... but then I realized it already had direction.  It's about me, and what I think and do and stuff.  So yeah, I will be back in full force starting tomorrow (I promise!).  Here's a few pictures and a video to make you smile :)

Now, I do want to point out that Iron & Wine accomplishes two things.  First, amazing music with so much soul behind every note.  Second, epic beard.  Now, if my lovely friend Nicole (aka Haus Wife) isn't pleased with this (I hear she's a huge Iron & Wine fan), well then I guess I suck at this whole blogging thing.  Regardless, back tomorrow!!!