Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Chicken Feet Fiasco

Another week down on the Korean Peninsula.  It's all going by pretty dang quick, though I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or not.  There's so much to see, so much to do, and I'm so scared that I'm going to let it kind of pass me by.

At any rate, I have a few things on my mind as I sit down.  First, I guess I'll just kind of recap what happened to me.

The week was pretty eventful, as far as work.  I did my first radio show (outside of readiness radio).  It's called 'Lunchbox DJ' and it airs once a week.  Basically, we pick someone on base who has been doing awesome at their job and have them come to host the show.  They get a DJ name, they pick the songs, and they run the board (if they're so inclined).  The guy I had this week I had met a few weeks earlier while doing Readiness Radio.  He called in about 3 times an hour (sometimes more) to request crazy songs like Cher and Britney Spears.  He's a pretty cool dude, and hopefully someone I can hang out with in the future.

I also did my first TV spot.  It was a horrendously cheesy spot for the base library.  Hopefully I don't have to watch it too much, because it's just... bad.  Ah well, my first one, and I had less than a day to do it. 

This weekend, I went with a co-worker to do a video shoot.  It's his own side-project thing, and I got to be the on camera talent!  I'm looking forward to see how it turns out.  We went to a really quiet suburban part of Seoul, where there is a random, creepy, quiet tunnel running underneath the train tracks.  Needless to say, the video will be pretty awesome if it turns out the way he wants.

After the shoot we went to the 'Korean-American Friendship Festival' right outside the main gate of the base.  We walked around, checked everything out, and stopped to get some food.

 The menu at the tent we stopped at was in Korean, and the people working it didn't speak English.  I guess they didn't get the memo that it was the Korean-AMERICAN Friendship Festival.

Oh well, we made due.  Basically we pointed at something and made them cook it.  Unfortunately, pointing isn't always a good idea when it comes to food.  Here's what we ended up getting.

Look's tasty eh?  Well, it's fried chicken feet, with some spicy sauce and veggies mixed in.  We finished the entire plate, and then were informed by some gracious English speaking Koreans of what we had just consumed.  Oh they are SOOO funny!  Here's the best part though.  It cost 20,000 won!  For my stateside friends who haven't visited Korea, that's equivalent to about 20 bucks.  OUTLANDISH!  We were both pretty pissed off, but hey, live and learn.

One of my best friends, Richie, lost his father this weekend.  I feel so terrible for him, and I wish I could be there for him and his family.  However, it gives me a good moment to appreciate the relationship I have with both of my parents.  Like I've said before, it's not perfect, but I have an amazing dad and mom.  Don't take those relationships for granted.  If you read this Richie, I'm thinking of you and Kortney and the kids.

This all got me thinking about my moods, and 'depression' (although I don't like using that word).  Things happen that can bring you down.  When you're down, its so much harder to be motivated to do just about anything.  I realized this week I had been in one of the best moods I've felt in a while.  The kind where nothing can really bring me down.  I hope that I can keep that up, it makes EVERYTHING so much easier.  Work, exercise, chores, whatever... it all becomes easier when you have a little motivation to do it.

So here's a homework assignment.  Figure out a way to get yourself into a great mood.  What is it that makes you feel that way?  If you don't know, figure it out.  If you know, make it happen.  I think you'll like the results, and everyone around probably will too.  If you're down, I know it can be hard to pull yourself up, and for some people (me included) it really just comes down to having enough time to pull yourself up.  Regardless, find your 'Happy Place'.  Do it, and see how much better your life feels.

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