Thursday, September 8, 2011

NFL Opens, Americans Rejoice, Beer Companies Profit

My favorite time of the year is officially here.  No, I'm not talking about the fact that I don't have to wear white anymore (fuckin' Labor day... who made up that clothing rule anyways?).  I'm talking about NFL kickoff day.  What a spectacular time of year this is.  Everyone is happy.  Everyone loves football.  Well, maybe not everyone, but the majority of people out there do... and if you don't, well then you're probably a Nazi, or a Communist, or a Republican (aren't they all the same?)

Now, I am a DIE hard Colts fan.  I have been watching the ponies play since Jim Harbaugh had the reins.  I vividly remember the AFC Championship game against the Steelers that we were robbed of because of a shitty call in the waning moments.  However, I have moved past that (kind of) and I'm ready for the new adventure of the 2011 season.

It should be rather interesting.  If you live on planet Earth I'm sure you know that Peyton Manning isn't expected to play the opening game for the Colts, and hell he'll probably be out for a few weeks.  That sucks.  So we're left with Kerry Collins.  Oh great, I think he's older than Brett Favre.  Probably not, but you get the idea.

Collins isn't a terrible quarterback.  I think he's in the top 5 all-time for passing yards or some nonsense.  But he's not an established winner.  The guy has never done anything in the playoffs.  To go from Peyton Manning to Kerry Collins is a huuuuuuge drop off.

I'm not worried though.

But why, you ask!?  Because this team has faced adversity many times, and although they haven't always came through, they perform well.  I doubt we'll win every game while Peyton is out... honestly, I hope we just win 1 or 2.  These guys will rally though.  They will rally around the fact that people don't think expect them to do well without Peyton.  They will... I have to believe that... lol

So anyways, let the festivities begin this weekend!  Grab some chips, some friends, but most importantly, some COLD beer!  I know I'm going to.

PS... Fuck the Patriots, Fuck the Bears.


  1. may i forever profit from the musings of those much wiser ... i actually never knew you were supposed to wear white on labor day. wearing white just makes me think of weddings - and mixing that with the word labor makes me think of babies and bloody umbilical cords - ah, how refreshing. I will never think upon Labor Day and imagine only the simple pleasantries of beaches and barbecued burgers again. never. again. can someone pass the ketchup?

  2. You don't wear white on Labor Day, you just can't wear it after! DUHHH... lol

    Bloody baby juice ketchup, passing it now.
