Friday, September 9, 2011

You almost had me there, it was the batting lashes that gave you away...

Music is such a beautiful thing.  Nothing can really bring forth such a wide array of emotion from me quite like it.  I feel like I can take just about any song and find a way to relate to it.  Maybe I don't find the same meaning as the singer or band meant for it, but that's the great thing about any form of art.  Its all up for interpretation and no answer is really wrong.  I find meaning in the words, but I really find meaning in the moods and melodies.  The way a song is played and sung is just as important as the content.  This song I'm posting, an Incubus song, is a great example of that.  The way he sings makes this song speak to me.  Yes, there is a definite message here, and for the most part it sings to me, but there's something else.  The way he sings the word defiance.  It's not just about the word or impulse he's singing about, its about himself.  I feel that.  There's no other way to describe it.  I feel it.  That's what I love about music.

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