Saturday, September 10, 2011

Gamers Rejoice!

Gamers rejoice!  Over the last few months, things have been pretty bleak.  I mean, there's always good games coming out, but not always epic games that millions look forward to and are part of an already established franchise.  Over the next few months we have not one, not two, not three, but four games to salivate over.

Lets start with perhaps the most anticipated.  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.  Now, I just recently got into the whole CoD experience, and really first person shooters.  I fell in love pretty quick.  Black Ops got me almost immediately.  I'm not amazing by anyone's standards, but its still a lot of fun and I hold my own.  MW3 looks to extend the storyline from the first 2 (and of course I haven't played them so I'll be a little behind) and from the previews it looks pretty epic.

The one that will be hitting the shelves first, however, is Gears of War 3.  The end to the trilogy.  Bringing the whole fucking awesome story to its conclusion.  Marcus Fenix is, in my opinion, one of the most badass video game characters ever created.  Sure, he's a little cliche at times, but what video game isn't.  From my understanding, the GoW3 is going to focus on the Lambent Locust, which should be pretty interesting since they didn't really go into too much detail on them in the first two.  Over exposure to emulsion, blah blah blah.  Also, I think Dom is not going to be tagging alone the whole time in this one.  I won't miss him, he's a fuckin' crybaby anyways.

So, what's next?... Oh yeah, Diablo 3!  God, this one has been a long time coming, hasn't it?  The first two were pretty revolutionary, and a lot has changed since the 2nd was released, I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on it.  I remember rockin' a Necromancer in the 2nd... so much fun to have an army of undead at your control.  I'll probably run through the first time as the Witchdoctor though.  Tossin' flammable potions at bitches and watchin' em burn!  Blizzard never disappoints either, so my expectations are pretty high.

-Sidenote- I think the expansion for Starcraft 2 is slated to come out sometime in the first quarter of next year too... I could be wrong, I'm too lazy to look right now.

Alright, now my favorite, but this one is a long way out.  Mass Effect 3.  All the trailers look epic.  If you haven't played the first two yet, what the hell have you been doing the past 5 years?  You act like you have something better to do... like work or exercise... psh.  The gameplay experience is going to much more in depth if you finish, at least, the 2nd one and import your character into the 3rd.  All the shit you do in the 1st and 2nd impact how your game experience is in the 3rd.  I love it!  Bioware does such an awesome job of putting very difficult choices in front of the gamer, and making those choices have a serious impact in how the game's story plays out.

Very much looking forward to doing a little review for each of these games.  But first, I need to dominate some more punk kids in Madden '12.


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