Thursday, September 8, 2011

So it begins!

Alright, cool.  A new place to share my thoughts that doesn't have the words book or face in it.  I guess that's cool, but I wonder how many people will actually read what I put on here.  Ah well, I suppose not many people read my ramblings on the Book of Face (all hail) either.  Here goes...

So I just kind of realized I should start a blog.  A friend of mine (Christin!!) gave me the idea and I liked it.  Here's lookin' at you kid!  Going through the process of setting this up was pretty easy I guess.  At least, easier than I expected it to be.  I am a complete moron when it comes to coding and that kind of jazz, so I was a little scared of it... but guess what... this requires absolutely zero coding!! Google is like the savior for people who are computer illiterate.

There were a lot of big decisions that went into just creating this blog.  What do I name it? (again, thanks to Google for the suggestions, made my life easier)  What kind of template do I use?  What pictures should I put in there?  Hell, what do I even talk about????  Some of this has already been decided (Big Lebowski picture as my background, what what!) and some will be decided as I go (I have no idea what I'm going to talk about).

Hopefully those of you who do read this will give me feedback on what you like or don't like as well as create an open discussion atmosphere.  I don't mind trolls to a certain extent, but I guess trolls are meant to just utterly frustrate and piss people off, so I probably won't tolerate you (unless you are freakin' hilarious, then you get a pass).

Alright... First post down.  This is my introduction I suppose.  I have a lot of random, crazy shit in my head and hopefully this is the best place to bring it to the world.  We'll see in the coming weeks and months.

-Brayton, out

1 comment:

  1. much on your mind you say? well lets hear it good sir \throw caution to the /wind\ up the dusty gears of \a clock work orange/ finds use for this gray matter of /we glorified orangutans\ wade on the shores of knowledge to wonder and wait for \sea faring winds/ lead to the end of /the world\ as we know it forsakes \all those who all feel fine/ lack patient answers their minds lack the time\
