Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What a day, what a day

I've found in all my travels that the only real wisdom I can consistently repeat to myself is that you always have to strike a balance.  It doesn't matter what you're talking about, balance is what makes life enjoyable.  I would argue, it's where real happiness is found.

It's something I found myself thinking about a lot today as I went about my business at work.  It was the first day I've had since I've been here that I feel like I've had a routine, a balance.  I never thought I would be the kind of person that would say this, but being at work brings me that sense of balance.  Getting lost in the things I need to get done.  Taking my mind off of everything that seems to be bringing me down.

Maybe it's not just getting my mind off of stuff, maybe it's just that I thoroughly enjoy what I do.  Even if I'm just doing the easy stuff right now for my shop, it still brings me a sense of satisfaction.

Maybe it's the people I work with.  There's a great crew at my AFN Detachment.  We all seem to work well together, and everyone has a pretty well-defined role, it seems.

Or maybe I'm just a very bi-polar person who has a lot of ups and downs.... nahhhh.

But seriously, that balance is so important to me.  I never realized it before I joined the military because I rarely had that balance.  I didn't know how to get myself there.  Perhaps the military taught me.  Perhaps I just finally grew up.  Whatever the reason, I'm glad I've found it.  Even more, I'm glad I understand that I've found it.

So how about them Colts??  Man, it's going to be dreadful watching them play without Peyton.  A few things really stuck out in my mind after watching highlights and looking at stats/game footage.
  • Peyton Manning is REALLY good to be able to cover up for the many deficiencies this team has.
  • The Colts have relied on Peyton WAAAAAY too much.
  • Every single MVP Peyton has won has been well deserved.  Hell, he should win one this year just because of how glaringly big of a difference maker he looks like now that he hasn't played.
I know, I know.  It's only one game.  But c'mon, you know what I mean.  This was ridiculous.

So, what's the answer?  Well, I'm not sure there is one.  I honestly think the best thing to do is chalk this season up as a loss, get some younger players some good playing time, and try to keep the good pieces in place for next season.  We need to let Peyton rest that neck, especially when you consider he has a rookie at Left Tackle.  A rookie protecting the franchise's blind-side after coming off of a neck surgery.  Yes, he needs to rest the entire season.

I watched a bit of the Republican Debate today while I was on lunch, and I must say Texas Governor Rick Perry scares the ever loving bajeezus out of me.  The fact that this man is leading in the Republican polls also scares me.  What the hell is going on in our country.  I understand that the amount of people who actually vote in the polls right now are pretty miniscule, and that those who are voting are probably hard-core Republicans, but fuck... President Obama (whom I hold no love for) is losing to ANY Republican in polls.  That means if Rick Perry wins this primary, we have to face the real possibility he could be president.  If that doesn't scare you, then you may want to make sure you're not a lobbyist for the banks, or an extremist Christian or something.  This guy is batshit insane.

That being said, how the hell is Ron Paul STILL being counted out in the mainstream media?  Oh, that's right, because he speaks the truth and stands for what he believes in, and the good Lord knows that is NOT good for big business (and they happen to own mainstream media, what a strange coincidence).  I know the things I'm saying may sound like I'm wearing a tinfoil hat as I type this, but be realistic.  Money runs this country, and those with money seem to think Ron Paul would be bad for business.  I think the opposite, but hey, I'm just a 26 year old opinionated jackass with very little real-world experience.  And I'm an idealist, which generally doesn't mix well with politics in our country (although it REALLY should).

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