Thursday, September 8, 2011

Work, Football, Head Full of Thoughts

Another day in the books.  Another week in the books.  So much rumbling around in my noggin'.

Today wasn't bad, was released early from work, but I have to work both days this weekend.  Such is life I suppose.  I don't mind working so much, it keeps my mind off of things I don't like to dwell on and I enjoy the work I do.  I've had enough time to relax over the last few months anyways.  The work tempo here is crazy though, and I look forward to the challenge.

One of my coworkers, Lucas, will be writing on this blog occasionally too.  He is a really smart guy with a pretty unique outlook on life.  I look forward to seeing what he has to say, and also look forward to finding out what everyone who reads this thinks about him.

The football season kicked off this morning (or tonight for those of you in the States) and what a game that ended of being.  Down to the wire, but the front seven for the Pack ended up coming up big on the last play of the game.  I would say I'm surprised it was such a high-scoring game, but we saw two of the best QB's in the league duking it out.  Was a lot of fun to watch.

My mind kept drifting from the game, though.  I think the last week has really hit me hard that I am so far away from everyone that I've known for the last 14 months.  It makes me sad to think that some of the people I call my friends back in Charleston, I may never see again. 

It also makes me sad that I have a talent at breaking things.  No matter how hard you try, sometimes you just need to walk away and let things be.  It's not easy, but if you don't you really run the risk of just making everything worse.  I hate walking away.  I've told myself so many times that I will refuse to let that happen, but now I can see the folly of that line of thinking.  Its better to walk away with a broken heart and your head high than fight tooth and nail and walk away with your tail between your legs.  Nobody wins in that scenario.

It reminds me of football, or sports in general I guess.  If you're losing by 3 or 4 scores with 1:30 left in the 4th quarter, that's it.  The game is over.  To keep fighting is a moot point.  Just let it go, walk away with your head high and say to yourself 'We'll get the next one'.  That's exactly how I feel right now.

Anyways, this weekend looks to be pretty exciting.  We have a concert going on at one of the nearby Army Garrisons, and our AFN Detachment will be there to do a 'radio remote', which basically means we'll be giving updates to the radio station throughout the day.  I get to wear the Eagle mascot.  Should a pretty humbling

Sunday I'll be out capturing video for a 9/11 remembrance ceremony.  I really look forward to that.  It should be a very solemn event, but its also my first chance to get a camera in my hands since I've been here.  Hopefully I can do it justice.

So that's about it, thoughts for the day.  Maybe I'll come back with a little more later on in the evening.

-Brayton, out

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