Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Chicken Feet Fiasco

Another week down on the Korean Peninsula.  It's all going by pretty dang quick, though I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or not.  There's so much to see, so much to do, and I'm so scared that I'm going to let it kind of pass me by.

At any rate, I have a few things on my mind as I sit down.  First, I guess I'll just kind of recap what happened to me.

The week was pretty eventful, as far as work.  I did my first radio show (outside of readiness radio).  It's called 'Lunchbox DJ' and it airs once a week.  Basically, we pick someone on base who has been doing awesome at their job and have them come to host the show.  They get a DJ name, they pick the songs, and they run the board (if they're so inclined).  The guy I had this week I had met a few weeks earlier while doing Readiness Radio.  He called in about 3 times an hour (sometimes more) to request crazy songs like Cher and Britney Spears.  He's a pretty cool dude, and hopefully someone I can hang out with in the future.

I also did my first TV spot.  It was a horrendously cheesy spot for the base library.  Hopefully I don't have to watch it too much, because it's just... bad.  Ah well, my first one, and I had less than a day to do it. 

This weekend, I went with a co-worker to do a video shoot.  It's his own side-project thing, and I got to be the on camera talent!  I'm looking forward to see how it turns out.  We went to a really quiet suburban part of Seoul, where there is a random, creepy, quiet tunnel running underneath the train tracks.  Needless to say, the video will be pretty awesome if it turns out the way he wants.

After the shoot we went to the 'Korean-American Friendship Festival' right outside the main gate of the base.  We walked around, checked everything out, and stopped to get some food.

 The menu at the tent we stopped at was in Korean, and the people working it didn't speak English.  I guess they didn't get the memo that it was the Korean-AMERICAN Friendship Festival.

Oh well, we made due.  Basically we pointed at something and made them cook it.  Unfortunately, pointing isn't always a good idea when it comes to food.  Here's what we ended up getting.

Look's tasty eh?  Well, it's fried chicken feet, with some spicy sauce and veggies mixed in.  We finished the entire plate, and then were informed by some gracious English speaking Koreans of what we had just consumed.  Oh they are SOOO funny!  Here's the best part though.  It cost 20,000 won!  For my stateside friends who haven't visited Korea, that's equivalent to about 20 bucks.  OUTLANDISH!  We were both pretty pissed off, but hey, live and learn.

One of my best friends, Richie, lost his father this weekend.  I feel so terrible for him, and I wish I could be there for him and his family.  However, it gives me a good moment to appreciate the relationship I have with both of my parents.  Like I've said before, it's not perfect, but I have an amazing dad and mom.  Don't take those relationships for granted.  If you read this Richie, I'm thinking of you and Kortney and the kids.

This all got me thinking about my moods, and 'depression' (although I don't like using that word).  Things happen that can bring you down.  When you're down, its so much harder to be motivated to do just about anything.  I realized this week I had been in one of the best moods I've felt in a while.  The kind where nothing can really bring me down.  I hope that I can keep that up, it makes EVERYTHING so much easier.  Work, exercise, chores, whatever... it all becomes easier when you have a little motivation to do it.

So here's a homework assignment.  Figure out a way to get yourself into a great mood.  What is it that makes you feel that way?  If you don't know, figure it out.  If you know, make it happen.  I think you'll like the results, and everyone around probably will too.  If you're down, I know it can be hard to pull yourself up, and for some people (me included) it really just comes down to having enough time to pull yourself up.  Regardless, find your 'Happy Place'.  Do it, and see how much better your life feels.

Monday, September 19, 2011


At the bottom of the main page!  Leave comments for anything else you might want to discuss... like why hipsters suck, or perhaps even the finer points of Korean beer and Soju.  Whatever you guys want to read me talk about with no real expertise on the matter.

...well, I have expertise on beer and soju.

Weekend Awesomeness!

Well, it was an eventful weekend, and I can finally sit down and collect my thoughts.  Let's just start at the beginning, shall we?

Friday was nice, got an invitation to judge a talent show on the Army Garrison nearby.  It was pretty cool.  That being said, some people need a reality check when it comes to their ability to sing.  There were, out of 12 contestants, 2 people who had decent voices.  The girl who won was absolutely amazing, she sang a Whitney Houston song and did it justice, which is not an easy thing to do.  My coworker who was judging with me, said it almost brought him to tears.

Having sat through it, I can honestly say it gave me an even bigger appreciation for good music, and I think I already appreciate good music a great deal. 

Friday night, after the talent show, I hopped the train and headed north to Suwon for a little fun.  I had, easily, the funnest night I've had since I arrived in Korea.  We began the night by buying a bottle of Soju and dominating it before the train arrived in Suwon.  Having properly lubricated, being a social butterfly became easy!  We met up with my friend's lady and headed out to the bars.  Drinking and socializing is always fun, but to do it in another country is waaaaaay more fun.  I mean, everything is different and interesting.

We stopped and ate a little later on and had the spiciest chicken I've ever had in my life.  We could barely eat it.  We also had some lemon soju, which is amazing.  After a few hours of drinks and food, we found some Koreans playing guitar on the sidewalk.  I noticed they were playing Jason Mraz, so I stopped and sang for them (they didn't seem to know the words too well).  Afterwards, one of them began talking to me and my friend about  music.  We hung around and drank some more, played some music, and plenty of people stopped to listen.  It was a lot of fun!

Eden (the Korean who spoke English) is a really cool dude.  He has an old soul, and is a really laid back, interesting person.  He invited us to his mother's restaurant, which wasn't too far away.  So, we went, enjoyed more good food and Soju, and played some more music.  Mike, my friend, has a really good voice, and sang some tunes while Eden played guitar.

It all reminded me of being in Charleston, just with different faces.  That's why I love music.  It really is a language that everyone speaks.  It connects people.  I felt so at peace that morning.  I hope to see Eden again, and hopefully we can jam out some more.

I've started to find a sense of settling here, and it makes me happy.  I thoroughly enjoy this feeling of adventure.  There is so much to do, so much to find, and I can't wait to tackle all of it.  I am almost dreading coming back to the States!... almost ;)

Speaking of music, I've been listening to a lot of Greg Laswell this weekend.  What a peaceful sound he has.  It is perhaps the most reflective, happy, relaxing music I've ever listened to.  That's where I'll leave you... listen to the lyrics in this song.  Think of the journey of life.  Close your eyes, sit back, relax, and let it roll over you.

More to come tomorrow, perhaps I'll do a little reflecting on the football weekend, because it was insanity.  Until then, be happy, smile, and I miss you all :)


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What a day, what a day

I've found in all my travels that the only real wisdom I can consistently repeat to myself is that you always have to strike a balance.  It doesn't matter what you're talking about, balance is what makes life enjoyable.  I would argue, it's where real happiness is found.

It's something I found myself thinking about a lot today as I went about my business at work.  It was the first day I've had since I've been here that I feel like I've had a routine, a balance.  I never thought I would be the kind of person that would say this, but being at work brings me that sense of balance.  Getting lost in the things I need to get done.  Taking my mind off of everything that seems to be bringing me down.

Maybe it's not just getting my mind off of stuff, maybe it's just that I thoroughly enjoy what I do.  Even if I'm just doing the easy stuff right now for my shop, it still brings me a sense of satisfaction.

Maybe it's the people I work with.  There's a great crew at my AFN Detachment.  We all seem to work well together, and everyone has a pretty well-defined role, it seems.

Or maybe I'm just a very bi-polar person who has a lot of ups and downs.... nahhhh.

But seriously, that balance is so important to me.  I never realized it before I joined the military because I rarely had that balance.  I didn't know how to get myself there.  Perhaps the military taught me.  Perhaps I just finally grew up.  Whatever the reason, I'm glad I've found it.  Even more, I'm glad I understand that I've found it.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Gamers Rejoice!

Gamers rejoice!  Over the last few months, things have been pretty bleak.  I mean, there's always good games coming out, but not always epic games that millions look forward to and are part of an already established franchise.  Over the next few months we have not one, not two, not three, but four games to salivate over.

Lets start with perhaps the most anticipated.  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.  Now, I just recently got into the whole CoD experience, and really first person shooters.  I fell in love pretty quick.  Black Ops got me almost immediately.  I'm not amazing by anyone's standards, but its still a lot of fun and I hold my own.  MW3 looks to extend the storyline from the first 2 (and of course I haven't played them so I'll be a little behind) and from the previews it looks pretty epic.

The one that will be hitting the shelves first, however, is Gears of War 3.  The end to the trilogy.  Bringing the whole fucking awesome story to its conclusion.  Marcus Fenix is, in my opinion, one of the most badass video game characters ever created.  Sure, he's a little cliche at times, but what video game isn't.  From my understanding, the GoW3 is going to focus on the Lambent Locust, which should be pretty interesting since they didn't really go into too much detail on them in the first two.  Over exposure to emulsion, blah blah blah.  Also, I think Dom is not going to be tagging alone the whole time in this one.  I won't miss him, he's a fuckin' crybaby anyways.

So, what's next?... Oh yeah, Diablo 3!  God, this one has been a long time coming, hasn't it?  The first two were pretty revolutionary, and a lot has changed since the 2nd was released, I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on it.  I remember rockin' a Necromancer in the 2nd... so much fun to have an army of undead at your control.  I'll probably run through the first time as the Witchdoctor though.  Tossin' flammable potions at bitches and watchin' em burn!  Blizzard never disappoints either, so my expectations are pretty high.

-Sidenote- I think the expansion for Starcraft 2 is slated to come out sometime in the first quarter of next year too... I could be wrong, I'm too lazy to look right now.

Alright, now my favorite, but this one is a long way out.  Mass Effect 3.  All the trailers look epic.  If you haven't played the first two yet, what the hell have you been doing the past 5 years?  You act like you have something better to do... like work or exercise... psh.  The gameplay experience is going to much more in depth if you finish, at least, the 2nd one and import your character into the 3rd.  All the shit you do in the 1st and 2nd impact how your game experience is in the 3rd.  I love it!  Bioware does such an awesome job of putting very difficult choices in front of the gamer, and making those choices have a serious impact in how the game's story plays out.

Very much looking forward to doing a little review for each of these games.  But first, I need to dominate some more punk kids in Madden '12.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Oh the joys of contemplation!

Tackling one's emotions and really understanding how oneself works is a difficult venture, to say the least.  I often feel like I do things without really knowing why, and often have feelings that I don't understand. 

Having time to reflect can be a double-edged sword.  On one hand, it is nice to slow down and really dig into everything; breaking it down to its most basic levels.  On the other hand, dwelling can cause me to go down roads I don't like.  Finding the middle ground is key.

This is something I've touched on so many times in conversations with different people.  Being grounded, finding the happy medium, whatever you want to call it.  It's the extremes that seem to cause unhappiness.

Take a look at politics if you need a good example.  Its rare that you find one who is either grounded or truly moderate.  Knowing that, if you think politics in the US are in a good place you might want to see a psychiatrist.  It's the same way for our personal and professional lives.

One big issue I've been trying to figure out is how I trust people.  How do I give out my trust, at what levels do I give it out, and who do I give it to?  Trust is such a tricky, complicated, scary thing.  Maybe not with little things, like trusting a co-worker to get a simple task done or one of your friends to help with you something simple. 

I'm talking about handing over your trust in its entirety.  Trusting someone with every little crazy detail of your life.  That just sounds overwhelming.  Its key for everyone to have someone they trust like that, because those are the people we go to for advice or just to vent.

I'm having my first experiences in not really having anyone physically near me that I trust on that level.  I still have my friends, and we will be able to talk on occasion, but nowhere near the amount that I need.  They will all have other people they can go to, as I would hope, but I haven't found anyone here yet that I feel comfortable enough to give that trust out to.

So here is where I start to understand why I trust certain people, and when I give that trust out.  I guess I search for friends in the same way I search for companionship from a woman.  I need someone who is intelligent, has a sense of humor that is compatible with mine, and someone who doesn't freak out over the small shit.  If you fit those criteria, you've passed step one.  Step two, don't be a douche.  It's pretty simple.  Now, I can't really tell you what I mean by 'douche', but I can spot one when I see one.

After that, its all about starting out simple and small.  Giving out minor, inconsequential details about myself.  I expect to be judged, not on the information I'm willingly giving out, but rather on the experience that someone has while they are with me.  If I'm not going to give a shit about your past, you better not give a shit about mine. 

Well... I'm rambling a little bit now... where was I?

Oh yes, understanding my emotions.  It's been a long week for me, emotionally.  I've had plenty of time to think.  I like the direction that I'm heading.  Growing up, maturing, its all a very interesting process.  I still have my flaws, and I always will, but I honestly like them.  A flawed person is a hell of a lot more interesting than someone perfect or someone who claims to be perfect.

Here's the moral, and I guess the point I'm trying to get across.  Take a little time to think about yourself.  Think about what you've done over the last few weeks.  Do you understand why you've acted the way you have?  Do you like what you've done?  You can say you will change, but you can't begin that process until you understand why the hell you're doing it in the first place.


PS  Since I gave a little 'coming of age' bit in here, I found a somewhat appropriate song.  Some of you have seen me post this before, but if you just listen to the words and let the music take over, you'll really understand why I think its appropriate.  Enjoy! :)

You almost had me there, it was the batting lashes that gave you away...

Music is such a beautiful thing.  Nothing can really bring forth such a wide array of emotion from me quite like it.  I feel like I can take just about any song and find a way to relate to it.  Maybe I don't find the same meaning as the singer or band meant for it, but that's the great thing about any form of art.  Its all up for interpretation and no answer is really wrong.  I find meaning in the words, but I really find meaning in the moods and melodies.  The way a song is played and sung is just as important as the content.  This song I'm posting, an Incubus song, is a great example of that.  The way he sings makes this song speak to me.  Yes, there is a definite message here, and for the most part it sings to me, but there's something else.  The way he sings the word defiance.  It's not just about the word or impulse he's singing about, its about himself.  I feel that.  There's no other way to describe it.  I feel it.  That's what I love about music.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Todd Snider is an American Hero

I need another double shot of somethin' 90 proof, I got too much to think about.

Work, Football, Head Full of Thoughts

Another day in the books.  Another week in the books.  So much rumbling around in my noggin'.

Today wasn't bad, was released early from work, but I have to work both days this weekend.  Such is life I suppose.  I don't mind working so much, it keeps my mind off of things I don't like to dwell on and I enjoy the work I do.  I've had enough time to relax over the last few months anyways.  The work tempo here is crazy though, and I look forward to the challenge.

One of my coworkers, Lucas, will be writing on this blog occasionally too.  He is a really smart guy with a pretty unique outlook on life.  I look forward to seeing what he has to say, and also look forward to finding out what everyone who reads this thinks about him.

The football season kicked off this morning (or tonight for those of you in the States) and what a game that ended of being.  Down to the wire, but the front seven for the Pack ended up coming up big on the last play of the game.  I would say I'm surprised it was such a high-scoring game, but we saw two of the best QB's in the league duking it out.  Was a lot of fun to watch.

My mind kept drifting from the game, though.  I think the last week has really hit me hard that I am so far away from everyone that I've known for the last 14 months.  It makes me sad to think that some of the people I call my friends back in Charleston, I may never see again. 

It also makes me sad that I have a talent at breaking things.  No matter how hard you try, sometimes you just need to walk away and let things be.  It's not easy, but if you don't you really run the risk of just making everything worse.  I hate walking away.  I've told myself so many times that I will refuse to let that happen, but now I can see the folly of that line of thinking.  Its better to walk away with a broken heart and your head high than fight tooth and nail and walk away with your tail between your legs.  Nobody wins in that scenario.

It reminds me of football, or sports in general I guess.  If you're losing by 3 or 4 scores with 1:30 left in the 4th quarter, that's it.  The game is over.  To keep fighting is a moot point.  Just let it go, walk away with your head high and say to yourself 'We'll get the next one'.  That's exactly how I feel right now.

Anyways, this weekend looks to be pretty exciting.  We have a concert going on at one of the nearby Army Garrisons, and our AFN Detachment will be there to do a 'radio remote', which basically means we'll be giving updates to the radio station throughout the day.  I get to wear the Eagle mascot.  Should a pretty humbling

Sunday I'll be out capturing video for a 9/11 remembrance ceremony.  I really look forward to that.  It should be a very solemn event, but its also my first chance to get a camera in my hands since I've been here.  Hopefully I can do it justice.

So that's about it, thoughts for the day.  Maybe I'll come back with a little more later on in the evening.

-Brayton, out

NFL Opens, Americans Rejoice, Beer Companies Profit

My favorite time of the year is officially here.  No, I'm not talking about the fact that I don't have to wear white anymore (fuckin' Labor day... who made up that clothing rule anyways?).  I'm talking about NFL kickoff day.  What a spectacular time of year this is.  Everyone is happy.  Everyone loves football.  Well, maybe not everyone, but the majority of people out there do... and if you don't, well then you're probably a Nazi, or a Communist, or a Republican (aren't they all the same?)

Now, I am a DIE hard Colts fan.  I have been watching the ponies play since Jim Harbaugh had the reins.  I vividly remember the AFC Championship game against the Steelers that we were robbed of because of a shitty call in the waning moments.  However, I have moved past that (kind of) and I'm ready for the new adventure of the 2011 season.

It should be rather interesting.  If you live on planet Earth I'm sure you know that Peyton Manning isn't expected to play the opening game for the Colts, and hell he'll probably be out for a few weeks.  That sucks.  So we're left with Kerry Collins.  Oh great, I think he's older than Brett Favre.  Probably not, but you get the idea.

Collins isn't a terrible quarterback.  I think he's in the top 5 all-time for passing yards or some nonsense.  But he's not an established winner.  The guy has never done anything in the playoffs.  To go from Peyton Manning to Kerry Collins is a huuuuuuge drop off.

I'm not worried though.

But why, you ask!?  Because this team has faced adversity many times, and although they haven't always came through, they perform well.  I doubt we'll win every game while Peyton is out... honestly, I hope we just win 1 or 2.  These guys will rally though.  They will rally around the fact that people don't think expect them to do well without Peyton.  They will... I have to believe that... lol

So anyways, let the festivities begin this weekend!  Grab some chips, some friends, but most importantly, some COLD beer!  I know I'm going to.

PS... Fuck the Patriots, Fuck the Bears.

A little bit about me...

So, if anyone happens to stumble across this that didn't get a link from Facebook, I suppose you are wondering 'Who the hell is this guy?'.   My name is Brayton.  Hi.  How are you?  Good, I hope.  If not, well have a beer and join the rest of us.

I am currently in the military and am living overseas.  I've only been here for a few weeks but I am really diggin' it.  Its a completely foreign (HA!) experience.  Everything is very different from what I'm used to and I kind of enjoy the feeling of being out of my element.  Maybe that means I am in my element... I dunno.  So where am I?  Well, I'll keep that as vague as possible, but I will tell you that I work for AFN (American Forces Network) and I do things like radio DJ, video news stories, and radio & TV commercials.  It's a really cool gig, and I feel blessed to be doing it.

Of course, I have my issues with it, as I'm sure most people have one thing or another they don't like about their job.  But hey, I make do and live with it.  It sucks being so far away from my family and friends, but its only temporary.  Hopefully I don't lose any of the amazing friends I made before I came here.

Oh yeah, I was in Charleston, SC before I took the long flight overseas.  That place is pretty awesome.  I'm very impressed with the way that city has kept its charm while everyplace else seems to be in such a hurry to be so modern.  Its still very much a city, but there is a sense of calm there that is lacking in most other big cities.

I met some really cool people there.  (I'll use first names only) Mike, Jay, Aaron, Ginger Mike (or Ian, whatever he's going by these days), Nicole, Nicole (yes there's two!), Richie and Kortney (they go together), and Christin.  I made her last because she probably had the most impact on me while I was there.  One day I'll dedicate a post to her awesomeness (No sarcasm, I'm being serious).

Hopefully I get a chance to go back there in the future.  I wouldn't be surprised if that is the place where I eventually settle down, after this whole military thing.  Of course, I'll be finishing up undergrad and hopefully graduate school before or during the time I go there, so it may be a few years off.  Better than not going back at all, though. 

I feel like I'm just starting at the current time and going back from there, so I might as well continue that trend.  Before I joined the military I was working at Best Buy and I must say, I absolutely hated it.  I was playing too many video games and not enough time working on or caring about my future.  So, I went and talked to a recruiter.  Now, I'm sure there are plenty of you out there who might think joining the military is just for people who can't hack it in the real world, and to an extent you may be correct.  It was the best decision I've made in my life though.  It got me back on track.  Broke me out of the giant slump I was in.  That 12 months before I left for basic training were pretty bleak.  I don't ever ever ever want to be like that again.

Before I worked at Best Buy I was a full-time student at Purdue University.  That was a great place to learn, and I had some of the funnest times of my life while I was there.  That being said, I was way too immature and had no idea how to handle the responsibility I had been given.  I was a terrible student, had terrible study habits, and I cared more about having fun than getting my shit done.  That has a lot to do with why I am where I am now.

There were a lot of life changing experiences for me at Purdue as well.  I had a very serious girlfriend for close to 3 years.  I had made up my mind that this was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  Unfortunately, I am really good at making relationships go haywire, so I'm a single now.  I have been ever since for the most part, with a few heartbreaks and hiccups between then and now.

I lived in a fraternity for two years while I was at Purdue.  What an experience that was.  A lot of partying (as expected), a lot of really good friends and really good times, and a lot of really good neglecting of the purpose of college.  No, the purpose of college isn't to get wasted and act like a dumbass... its to learn (surprise!).  Yeah, if I had any regrets in my life (which I don't really, I like the person I turned out to be) I think it would be how terrible of a student I was while in college.

Before college I went to high school in a very small town in Indiana.  This is where I made my best friends.  Lifelong friends.  I will always have those guys' backs, and I know they would always have mine.  I'll save a lot of detail on this subject, because I think I'd like to really dig into it more at a later date... but I will say I am very lucky to have at least 5 or 6 people that I can call my best friend.  All of them.  Yeah... very lucky.

My parents, who did a helluva job raising me and my brother (we were total shitheads a lot of the time), have been divorced since I was like 2 years old.  So, it's something that's always been there.  They were amazing despite the fact, and I'm sure it wasn't easy for them.  I never saw them fight, and the fact that they were divorced was never even an issue growing up.  Its just the way it was.  I give a lot of credit to them, I'm not sure I could've acted with such maturity.  But hey, I don't have kids so I can't really say.  They are pretty much the main influences in my life.  My mother worked her ass off to make sure my brother and I always had what we needed, and my father has always been the sole stabilizing force for me.  She keeps me happy, he keeps me grounded.  Since joining the military, its been difficult always being away from them, and I am not a great at calling them like I should.  Hopefully I can get better at that.  I don't want to feel like I've taken them for granted, but I know I have.

I have 1 brother.  He's my younger brother by 14 months, and honestly we are more like friends than brothers.  I mean, yeah, we act like brothers, but we also have a lot of similar interests and I know I can talk to him about anything.  I find our relationship very humorous sometimes.  Even though I'm the older brother, we seem to alternate on who acts like the older brother.  Sometimes its him, sometimes me.  I like it that way.  Yeah, he'll get his own post one day too.

History lesson concluded.  Ya know, after writing this, its weird how looking back on your life can make you feel very fortunate for what you have become.  I'm glad that everything has turned out the way it did.

So it begins!

Alright, cool.  A new place to share my thoughts that doesn't have the words book or face in it.  I guess that's cool, but I wonder how many people will actually read what I put on here.  Ah well, I suppose not many people read my ramblings on the Book of Face (all hail) either.  Here goes...

So I just kind of realized I should start a blog.  A friend of mine (Christin!!) gave me the idea and I liked it.  Here's lookin' at you kid!  Going through the process of setting this up was pretty easy I guess.  At least, easier than I expected it to be.  I am a complete moron when it comes to coding and that kind of jazz, so I was a little scared of it... but guess what... this requires absolutely zero coding!! Google is like the savior for people who are computer illiterate.

There were a lot of big decisions that went into just creating this blog.  What do I name it? (again, thanks to Google for the suggestions, made my life easier)  What kind of template do I use?  What pictures should I put in there?  Hell, what do I even talk about????  Some of this has already been decided (Big Lebowski picture as my background, what what!) and some will be decided as I go (I have no idea what I'm going to talk about).

Hopefully those of you who do read this will give me feedback on what you like or don't like as well as create an open discussion atmosphere.  I don't mind trolls to a certain extent, but I guess trolls are meant to just utterly frustrate and piss people off, so I probably won't tolerate you (unless you are freakin' hilarious, then you get a pass).

Alright... First post down.  This is my introduction I suppose.  I have a lot of random, crazy shit in my head and hopefully this is the best place to bring it to the world.  We'll see in the coming weeks and months.

-Brayton, out